Willmotts Update - Essential Service
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 23rd March, we wanted to reassure our customers who continue to trade during such difficult times that we are here to support you and to keep the supply chain flowing.
Willmotts Transport Joins 700 UK Logistics Businesses to Offer Emergency Delivery Service
Willmotts have joined with our Palletforce colleagues and are collaborating with an initiative headed by the Association of Pallet Networks (APN) to provide services for emergency and food supplies.
COVID-19 Update - March 2020
During these unprecedented times, we are putting in every effort to maintain service levels and to ensure our activities minimise further spread of the virus.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement
In common with all other businesses, we have been revising our policy on company procedures in line with the latest Government guidelines. This will be updated regularly as appropriate.