European Logistics
Delivering Daily to Europe
Complete tracking of your consignments
Fast deliveries
Single pallets up to full loads
Continued link up with trusted partners across Europe
Willmotts Transport can deliver palletised consignments throughout Europe and handle the relevant customs paperwork so that your delivery proceeds smoothly and efficiently to its destination.
Whether on our own vehicles or via our reliable direct delivery or network partners, you can rest assured of professional service, provided by experts who are experienced in import and export formalities and in running vehicles in Europe.
We deliver to Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and all EU countries and can handle every size consignment from a single pallet to a full articulated load.
Our close relationships with European partners ensure we can offer the best prices for each delivery, whilst maintaining very high service levels throughout the process.
We have provided several resources below to ensure exporting to Europe remains as smooth as ever.
Included in these resources is a guide to successfully exporting to Northern Ireland, Southern Ireland, and the EU, and the relevant Direct Representative Authorisation (DRA) forms.
We have also provided a copy of a template Commercial Invoice containing all the information required by Willmotts Transport to successfully export to the EU via Palletforce.
If you still have questions or need more assistance on Exporting/Importing to and from Europe, please get in contact with one of our team of experts or email
Willmotts Transport Customs Guide
Click to download a copy of the Willmotts Transport Customs Guide containing all the information required by to understand our customs process.
Note, this document could be updated if requirements change.
Commercial Invoice Template
Click to download a copy of a template Commercial Invoice containing all the information required by Willmotts Transport to successfully export to the EU via Palletforce.
Note, this document could be updated if requirements change.
Direct Representation Authorisation
Download a copy of the Direct Representation Authorisation form to enable Willmotts Transport and Palletforce to act on your behalf for Export Customs Clearance from the UK.
Note, this document must be complete before shipment can be cleared.